2024 available now!

All our 2024 fleeces are now listed on our pages at The Fleece Shop but you can still browse them below.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're new to knitting or spinning, or are generally interested in the wonderful world of wool, you may find our FAQ section quite helpful.

  1. What is "rooing"?
    Rooing is a process of removing the fleece from the sheep without the use of cutting equipment such as shears or clippers. Many primitive breeds naturally shed their fleeces during the early summer or spring which means that they can sometimes be gently plucked / eased away from the body.
  2. What is VM?
    VM stands for "vegetative material" and is basically small bits of grass, hay, moss, straw etc which is embedded in the fleece. Much of this will come out in the preparation process. We endeavour to remove as much VM from our fleece as possible before selling. Our sheep have access to a wide range of habitats on the farm therefore it is inevitable that they will pick up bits of debris as they go about their daily lives!
  3. How much is delivery?
    Delivery to the UK starts at £5.50 for anything under 1kg in weight. The price is determined by the weight of the items you have in your basket. You will be offered final delivery quote when you checkout. If you prefer, you'd be more than welcome to come to us and collect your items, and, if you like, meet the sheep! View our about us page for our location.
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